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Tag: Mostra Communication

Totale: 88

Europe Acts Aganist Obesity

Nearly half the population of Ireland is overweight and many can be described as obese. To tackle tihs worrying situation head on, the Irish Food Board has decided to launch a major project aimed at teaching people to eat more healthily from a very young age.
Interviews:Michael Maloney, Director of the Irish Food Board
Danielle Mc Nulty, Teacher, St Peters National School
Prof. Philip James, Chairman of the International Obesity Task Force
Dr Andres Varela, Puerta de Hierro Hospital
Markos Kyprianou, European Commissioner for Health & Consumer Protection
... continua

Research on underwater mud volcanoes

The oceans are home to 90% of life on earth, which is why it is essential to study their functions. That is precisely the aim of the HERMES project (Hotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European Seas) initiated under the Sixth European Research Framework Programme. One of the subjects being explored by HERMES is mud volcanoes, and more specifically underwater mud volcanoes.
Mud volcanoes are cone-shaped formations of sediment, of variable size. They are composed of a mixture of fluids (generally water and gases) and mud (undercompacted clay), which flow from ... continua

Protecting the tree of Life

Europe is a continent of breathtaking natural beauty and dramatic contrasts. The EU?s 27 Member States stretch from the frozen Arctic Circle in the north to the warm Mediterranean waters in the south. From the wave-lashed Atlantic coast in Ireland to the snow-capped Carpathian mountains in Romania, the EU includes a vast range of natural habitats and a great diversity of flora and fauna.
Our natural heritage includes several thousand types of habitat, 520 species of bird, 10 000 plant species and at least 100 000 species of invertebrate. Yet, in comparison with other ... continua

Controlling Chemicals - Protecting human health and the enviroment

Fifty years ago when the Common Market was born, what people wanted most was peace and prosperity for Europe. Caring for the enviroment didn't feature in the founding Treaty of Rome. Yet enviromental problems were not far away. Europe's love affair with the car was Interviews:Gérard Deslandes: Asbestos Victim. Aleksandra Kordecka: Friends of the Earth Europe. Tony Musu: Chemicals Expert - Europe Trade Union Institute. Visit the site: www.mostra.com Download subtitles:

Labour Law - 'flexicurity' in a changing labour market

Labour law is an important tool, not only in dealing with the management of the workforce, but also in providing a sense of security to workers and citizens in a world of rapid change and high mobility of capital and technology.
The Commission is not aiming for a "one-size-fits-all" approach as a miracle recipe across the EU. Taking as examples the Netherlands, Belgium and Spain, the video shows how three EU member states adapt their national employment models according to the changing needs of the labour market and how they apply the concept of flexicurity.
The ... continua

Coping in a Crisis - Europe's Civil Protection Mechanism

We live in a unpredictable world where disaster can strike at any time. Catastrophes can be natural, like the South Asia Tsunami that left over 300,000 people dead in 2004.
Or they can be made, like the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah fighters, which caused huge suffering and damage particularly in Lebanon.
But wathever the cause, getting help to victims is always a race against time. The aid and assistance that arrives in a disaster zone in te first hours and days is vital. It can make the difference between a catastrophe being brought under control or ... continua

EPER: Industrial Pollution On-line

Since February 23rd 2004, this Internet user has added a new bookmark to the favorites listed in his browser. The address is for the EPER site. EPER is the European PollutantEmission Register, which has been placed online by the European Commission. The EPER register is meant to be transparent and accessible to everybody.
A simple click takes the Internet user to the information highways that lead to the hearth of the register. EPER is a systematic listing of the pollutant emissions of nearly 10,000 industrial sites active in the 15 Union Member States and ... continua

Sustainable energy ? domestic appliances

European consumers aren?t full aware of the advantages to be gained by new and efficient electric appliances. In view of the up-coming Season shopping, when buying new appliances, it is essential for the consumer to be able to make a well-informed choice. The industry, pushed by the European Commission, has invested in products able to provide a high performance while reducing the environmental impact. Efforts should come from the industry, the consumers, but also from the public administration. The European Commission will propose in January 2007 the Strategic EU ... continua

Minimising Flood Risks in Europe through Better Planning

Between 1999 and 2004, Europe suffered over a 100 major floods. They caused about 700 deaths, the displacement of half a million people and at least 25 billion ? in insured economic losses.Once again this year the Elbe flooded and the Danube literally smashed its record reaching levels never before seen in Budapest.Increasingly often, the danger of flooding originates in the mountains when torrential rains provoke flash floods which are extremely destructive. Mainly in the semi-aridzones of the Mediterranean basin.
Jean Pascal van Ypersele,Climate ... continua

Facing up to a globalised world - The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund

While more open trade leads to more overall benefit for growth and jobs, the EU recognises that, although European labour markets are usually capable of coping with globalisation, the consequences can also be negative e.g. job loss. In exceptional circumstances, specific support may be needed to deal with the situation.
The EGF is a new tool to help do this and is an expression of European solidarity with the people affected. What's been described as an economic shock absorber, the EGF will provide up to 500 million euros a year for those directly affected by job ... continua